Thursday, September 13, 2012

What if's are the nails that built the house of failure

Once again, i'm a little slow on the updating. I realize it's been awhile since I last wrote. But maybe it's been awhile since I've really had something to say.

Nothing too much out of the ordinary has emerged to my attention for discussing. However, there is always time for some inspirational push.

Lately, the inspirational push from with in me has been, special effects makeup. As of right now, I am attending Cosmetology school, which is honestly a great jumping off point to where I want to end up. I've always enjoyed Halloween and getting dressed up, and although I am a firm believer of being nothing but yourself, sometimes it's fun to just mess around with the "what ifs?"

Referring of course to the, "what if I was a mermaid? or a pirate? maybe even a bird!" Those are the what if's worth exploring. Embracing my creative side is something I have no problem doing, it's all I've been doing my whole life. My family is skilled in the arts of all sorts, and kinds. This is one thing I want to try my hand at.

I feel like, my imagination has the ability to reach new heights and I believe I have different ideas that I could bring to the table. I've been a movie watcher my whole why not be apart of it? Help create flicks that other people would enjoy watching by creating the stimulating visuals!

Watching Face Off on the SyFy channel has also been an extra inspiration to my already thriving need to learn more about special effects makeup artistry. Such talent and clever and creative ideas. It really is so amazing to watch all the thought and detail that goes into what they do. The best part is, is seeing them wake up every day loving what they do. That is what I want. Maybe if I work hard and I really build my passion and drive for this, I might make it on to Face Off, or maybe even further.

I guess the whole point to this post is. Try your hand at whatever you feel passionate about. It's better than all the "What ifs?" in life.

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